Auto-Start & Stop for Diesel Generators


The developed prototype decreases the Diesel consumption and CO2 emissions. The device allows stopping the Diesel engine, if there is no load during a pre-settled time. When a load solicitation occurs, the Diesel engine automatically restarts. All this process is done using the remote starting function of most Diesel generators, avoiding the need of any direct operation on the generator.
The present prototype is portable and is prepared to deal with Diesel generators up to 30kVA, independently of the brand or model.

Subject Areas: 


Finding for a funding

Research team

Paulo Almeida *,1,2

1Low Carbon Energy Conversion R&D Group, Lisboa, Portugal

2Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal

*Researcher to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Status: Waiting Funding

Start: 01/Jan/2014    End: 31/Mar/2014

Related publications:

Paulo Almeida, “Auto Start & Stop for Diesel Generators”, GBW – Green Business Week, Centro de congressos de Lisboa, Portugal, 15 a 17 de março de 2017.