
Pereira, Rita (Head of Group)

Position: Adjunct Professor of Electrical Machines courses at Electrical Engineering Department/ISEL

Academic Degree: Ph.D. in Mechatronics and Energy Engineering from Évora University

Research Areas: Smartgrids, Demand Response, Intelligent Systems, Energy Conversion

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Almeida, José Luís (Researcher)

Position: Adjunct Professor of Electrical Installations courses at Electrical Engineering Department/ISEL

Academic Degree: Electrical Engineer – energy branch from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon; Expertise in lighting engineering by Order of Engineers and Polytechnics Institutes of Leiria, Lisboa and Setúbal

Research Areas: Energy Efficiency, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Charging Infrastructures, Renewable Energy Integration


André, Sérgio (Researcher)

Position: Assistent Professor at Laboratory of Infomatics and Computers / Electronic Engineer at ETConcept Systems Engineering, Inc Headquarters

Academic Degree: M. Sc. in Electrical Engineering – automation and power electronics branch from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon.

Research Areas: Embedded systems, Computer Science, IoT Systems, Digital and Analog Electronics

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Barata, Filipe (Researcher)

Position: Adjunct Professor of Electrical Installations courses at Electrical Engineering Department/ISEL

Academic Degree: Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Nova School of Science and Technology

Research Areas: Energy Efficiency, Electric Installations Design, Energy Conversion and Renewable Energy Sources.

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Bento, Alexandre (Researcher)

Position: PhD student at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon University

Academic Degree: M. Sc. in Electrical Engineering – energy branch from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon.

Research Areas: Energy Sustainability, Electric Machines Design with Embedded Modular Power Electronic Converters using Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors

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Cordeiro, Armando (Researcher)

Position: Adjunct Professor of Automation and Robotics courses at Electrical Engineering Department/ISEL

Academic Degree: Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon University

Research Areas: Automation, Fieldbus devices and networks, Variable Speed Electrical Drives, Energy Conversion and Renewable Energy Sources and Applications.

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Fonte, Pedro (Researcher)

Position: Adjunct Professor of Electrical Machines courses at Electrical Engineering Department/ISEL

Academic Degree: Ph.D. in Sustainable Energy Systems at Engineering Faculty of Porto University

Research Areas: Electrical Machines, Energy Systems, metaheuristics, Energy Production and Forecasting

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Luís, Ricardo (Researcher)

Position: Adjunct Professor of Electrical Machines courses at Electrical Engineering Department/ISEL

Academic Degree: Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon University

Research Areas: Variable Speed Generators, Energy Conversion, Electrical Machines Design, Electrical Energy Storage Systems

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Santos, Nelson (Researcher)

Position: Adjunct Professor of Instrumentation courses at Electrical Engineering Department/ISEL

Academic Degree: Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon University

Research Areas: Energy Conversion, Power Eletronics, Control Systems, Intrumentation

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Melo, Rodrigo (Associated Researcher)

Position: EV & Battery Specialist | Omnirapid Company Owner

Acabemic: M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Escola de Engenharia, Minho University

Research Areas: Lithium-ion Batteries; Energy and Electric/Hybrid Traction Systems; Thermal Management; CAD, CAE and CAM;

Menaia, Celso (Associated Researcher)

Position: R&D Head for new products and integration of electric/hybrid systems for land and sea vehicles at New Electric B.V.

Academic Degree: Academic Degree: M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering – energy branch from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon.

Research Areas: Electrical Energy Storage Systems, Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Charging Technologies, Lithium-Ion batteries use and Management

Santos, Pedro (Associated Researcher)

Position: Research Assistant at TU Kaiserslautern, Germany

Academic Degree: M. Sc. Electrical Engineering – RWTH Aachen University

Research Areas: Isolated Power Electronics Converters, Modular Power Electronics Converters, Digital Control of Power Electronics, Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors, DC Grids, Energy Storage Systems and Model-Based Design

Almeida, Paulo (Alumni)

Position: Lab Technician at Electrical Machines Laboratory of ISEL

Academic Degree: B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon

Research Areas: Electric Traction Systems, Charging Infrastructures, Energy Storage with Lithium Batteries

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Pavesi, Michele– Italy (Alumni)

“I participated in the activity of LCEC while attending the last year of my bachelor degree at Politecnico di Torino in Electronic Engineering. The internship was part of the program Erasmus+ Traineeship.
At the LCEC group my main goal was to figure out a way of using the MODBUS protocol of communication implemented on a FPGA. This goal challenged me in many ways since it was my  first experience outside the classes, and even though I didn’t have enough time to create the entire protocol, I’m proud of what I’ve done. 
I enjoyed being in an environment where people share the passion for electronics and where there is always someone which can give you insights into what he’s doing/thinking. Furthermore at ISEL, students and professors share a lot of time together outside classes and the labs are always open.”

Nunes, Tiago– Portugal (Alumni)

“I got the opportunity of working with the LCEC group as a student at ISEL during my master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. During this time we worked in partnership with VEECO, a Portuguese eletric vehicle, where my objective was to study the thermal loads inside the cabin and develop an Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system best suited for the case in hand. This project gave me the opportunity to work with a real world scenario, making me switch from a student mindset and gaining experience.Overall, I really enjoyed my time spent on this project with the group, working in an area that I like, and I look forward to continue to explore this subject during my dissertation.”