Low Carbon Energy Conversion (LCEC), established at ISEL (engineering school of Politécnico de Lisboa) in 2016, is a R&D group dedicated to help the transition to a low carbon energy based society.
From research to industry, our aim is to develop energy conversion systems based on low carbon technologies that can help to mitigate the global warming challenges
The LCEC is a research and development group from ISEL, focused in energy conversion and sustainable energy usage, colaborating with industry and academia.
Our research activities combine theory by the numerical computational modelling and experimental throught the rapid prototyping devices and low carbon energy systems development, using our laboratory facilities.
The LCEC group undertakes the computational and experimental research to enhance energy conversion systems from electric generation to efficient energy usage, with a focus on: electric mobility, energy management and storage, smartgrids and variable speed generators.
The energy transformation becomes crucial for the future of energy systems that minimize our impact on climate and environment
Energy efficiency, storage and intelligent use, are the keys to invest in emerging technologies that supports the innovation, reducing energy costs and other economic impacts.
These aspects related with “energy conversion” lead to the LCEC vision
“Towards a low carbon future with a sustainable, affordable and reliable energy.”

- Promote training activities and scientific dissemination;
- Promote and support R&D activities of LCEC members;
- Develop R&D projects in association with other education institutions and industry;
- Promote and supervise MSc and PhD theses anchored to the LCEC Research Fields;
- Promote a continuous improvement of research conditions;
- Participation on educational engineering approaches for a societal transition to cleaner energy solutions and climate change awareness;
- Expand research capabilities, recruiting new members and promoting their scientific growth.

Research Fields
- Electric/hybrid vehicles and charging infrastructures;
- Sustainable energy generation systems and energy use;
- Energy efficiency, energy management and smart grids;
- Energy storage systems technologies for low carbon based electricity.