Electric Vehicle Service Equipment (EVSE)


The EVSE was developed in accordance with SAE J1772 and IEC61851-1, in order to allow electric vehicle charging. This device is programmed with the current maximum value that can be demanded by an electric circuit. This information is shared with the electric vehicle charger which will limit the consumption up to the settled value.
The device can be installed directly into the electric board, occupying the size of one two-pole circuit breaker. It can be used in either single-phase or three-phase circuits.

Subject Areas: 


Finding for a funding

Research team

Paulo Almeida *,1,2

1Low Carbon Energy Conversion R&D Group, Lisboa, Portugal

2Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal

*Researcher to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Status: Waiting Funding

Start: 01/Sep/2012    End: 31/Dez/2014